Voices & Faces: FEB. 2013-Literary Issue

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How far would you go to tell a story?

anne ream
Eight years ago, Voices and Faces Project founder Anne K. Ream and documentary photographer Patricia Evans embarked on a unique journey. Their goal was to bear witness to stories of survivors of sexual violence and trafficking. Their passion was to show the world that those who have lived violence are shaped – but not defined – by what has been done to them. They believed that putting names and faces on an issue that leaves its victims silent and invisible could change the way the public sees the issue of rape – and perhaps change the way that rape victims see themselves.

patricia evans
What started as a series of cross-country interviews soon grew into a multi-year, multi-country documentary project. And now, that project has become a book. Part personal history, part photographic collection, "Lived Through This" (Beacon Press, 2014) is a chronicle of this journey, an exploration of Anne's own history of violence, and a testament to how bearing witness to the pain of others gave that history purpose. "Lived Through This" will be published by Beacon Press, an issue-oriented, National Book Award winning publishing house, during Women's History Month 2014. We think it's the perfect publication date for a book that serves as its own history of a very unique journey, and we can't wait to see it in print. Congratulations, Anne & Patricia. And thank you to the hundreds of inspired and brave survivors of sexual violence whose stories have informed this book.

Hear an excerpt from "Lived Through This."

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A recently broadcast special edition of The Feminist Lens - the groundbreaking WFMT radio program – features work by a list of writers and artists that includes Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Lynne Nottage, V-Day Founder Eve Ensler, and Voices and Faces Project Founder Anne K. Ream, reading "Lucky Star," an excerpt from her forthcoming book. Listen to the program.

See. Read. Change. Meet six other Voices and Faces Project partners whose words are creating change.

christa fault line

Christa Desir: Channeling her inner 16-year-old boy. Brilliantly.
An alumna of "The Stories We Tell," our Voices and Faces Project Testimonial Writing Workshop, Christa Desir is passionate about the power of words. "FaultLine" (Simon Pulse), her forthcoming Young Adult novel about rape in a suburban high school, was conceived during our very first Voices and Faces writing workshop. Whip-smart and written in the voice of a teenage boy – yes, she pulls it off! - "FaultLine" will be published in the fall of 2013. Read more about Christa’s forthcoming book here and here

kimaro a lot like you

Eliaichi Kimaro: Crossing the globe to confront a painful history.
What happens when a woman goes in search of her identity and discovers that the cycle of violence she's been working to break in the US is part of her history and culture on another continent? Voices and Faces Project ally Eliaichi Kimaro's new film, "A Lot Like You," raises important questions about the cultures we inherit and the things we choose to pass down. We love Eli’s willingness to ask hard questions of the world, and of herself. Watch the PBS debut of "A Lot Like You".

rape is rape

Jody Raphael: Telling the truth (even when it hurts).
In "Rape Is Rape: How Denial, Distortion, and Victim Blaming Are Fueling a Hidden Acquaintance Rape Crisis" (Lawrence Hill Books), longtime Voices and Faces Project collaborator Jody Raphael takes on right wing ideologues who push the idea of false rape claims as female revenge, feminists who say that rape is being confused with "bad sex," police who fail to test rape kits, and rape victim advocates who use poorly sourced statistics. In other words, Jody's not afraid to challenge all of us to do better. And that’s just one of the reasons we admire her so much. Read the Publisher's Weekly review of Jody's forthcoming book.

Surviving the silence

Charlotte Pierce-Baker: Breaking the silence, one story at a time.
"Surviving the Silence: Black Women's Stories of Rape" (W.W. Norton) was written by Charlotte Pierce-Baker, a founding member of The Voices and Faces Project. At once deeply personal and insistently political, Charlotte's book addresses race, class and the unique challenges women of color face when confronting sexual violence. Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison has called Charlotte’s book "demand reading." We couldn’t agree more. Find out more about Charlotte’s newest project, "This Fragile Life".

hnida still kicking

Kate Hnida: Still first, and still fearless.
Kate Hnida - the first woman to play Division I football – is a founding member of The Voices and Faces Project. Her painful yet deeply hopeful memoir, "Still Kicking" (Simon and Schuster), recalls her achievements on the field and her experience with sexual violence off it. "I wrote this book for the same reason that I am a part of The Voices and Faces Project - because I want survivors to see that despite what we have gone through, we can still be unstoppable," says Kate. Watch Kate talk about "Still Kicking" in a Today Show interview with Meredith Viera.


Roger Canaff: This is what a feminist looks like (really).
A former New York sex crimes prosecutor and a member of our CounterQuo Project, Roger Canaff blogs on the tough stuff: what causes men to rape, how the culture of sport encourages violence against women, and why challenging the status quo isn’t just an option – it’s a moral obligation. Check out Roger’s blog.

Get a great CD, give the gift of support.
Give a gift of $40 or more to The Voices and Faces Project before 2/28, and you'll get "The Voices and Faces Project, Volume One," a critically-acclaimed indie rock CD that features tracks from Neko Case, the New Pornographers, Kelly Hogan, Michelle Shocked, and 12 other bands and artists who are partnering with us in the fight to end sexual violence.
Listen to the Public Radio story about the making of the record.

Thanks, in advance, for joining us in making a fully tax-deductible donation to The Voices and Faces Project, before the end of the month. One survivor at a time, one story at a time, we truly believe that we can change the world – but we can’t do it without you.

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